Closing browser using Command Prompt CMD

I"m trying to close all my Chrome browsers after the sequence is finished and I would like to use the command prompt to do it. Do I need to type something in Application Arguments?

Hii @corinthertx

Don’t use any command prompts to close the chrome application

Use the Kill process activity and in process name give Chrome. Then it will close the chrome browser.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @corinthertx

Pass this command in argument:
“taskkill /im chrome.exe /f”
Use “Invoke PowerShell” activity
In the Properties pane
—>CommandText = taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe
—>HideWindow = Checked (to hide the command prompt window)

just use kill process activity with “chrome.exe” to kill all chrome browsers

Hello @corinthertx,

You can use the Kill process activity.

Hi @corinthertx

Use Kill Process Activity

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