Close all goggle correctly

Hello! Help me, please.
I have process where a many time open and close google chrome. I use “close windows”
But often it close not correct and didn’t close some windows.
How and with activity I can close all google together and correctly??

You want to close chrome? which application?

If IE Browser, “Kill Process” to close all the tabs at once. Similarly for others .

What write in input for kill process?

yes, google

Try using Close Application activity
Or at last KillProcess activity

How fill kill process activity?

Kill process activity with iexplore in process name for IE.

I need for google

Try Chrome in Processname

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if you use Kill Process on Chrome, you can faced with unexpected message in the next open.
So you need to add more code to process that case.
With IE, Kill Process is ok

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What code I need add to chrome?