Hi everyone ,I am trying to copy data from application which is inside citrix env, uipath studio is not published inside citrix and is in local.
1.when i am copying data using hot key cntrl+a,cntrl+c and then pasting cntrl+v inside notepad which is also inside citrix it copies the data from the application to the notepad correctly.
2.When i am trying to use the same hotkeys but using either copy selected text activity or get from clipboard it is throwing Aggregate Exception and is unable to copy.
what i want is to copy the data from application which is inside the citrix and put the copied fields in either a variable or datatable,So that i can use the copied data to match with the excel which is in local desktop.
I found a solution using get from clipboard instead of copy selected text. So I first do ctrl+a, then ctrl+c and finally get from clipboard (I get a variable )