Click on context

In the browser I need to right click on DATA button and from the context menu I need to click ‘Save as’. When I do this I am getting an error
“Click menu item: Cannot send input to UI element because it is outside screen bounds”. How can I fix this? Thanks a lot

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can you share screenshot of your workflow please?


Can you please try with shortcut keys by using send hot key activity

Hello @A_Learner ,

Here you should have used a screen scope and inside that only you are trying to do this click action. So what I’m suggesting is try to use an App/web recorder and check how it is recording the click action on that particular element.

Sometimes if an element is not stick to the screen scope which you have provided you will get this error.

Hey @A_Learner

You will need to use a separate attach browser or window activity for that particular save window & perform actions inside it which should resolve the issue.

Kindly show us screenshots as well please for better understanding.


Please find following example. Right click “Download All” - Select “Save As”. There are no short cut keys in my actual task.

Thank you

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Hey @A_Learner

Use Attach Window for the save as popup and then click Save As.


Thank you. Tried Attach Window. Still not working. It is not recognizing the pop up window.

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Hey @A_Learner

What’s the browser you are using here?

And it’s that something you are trying one the forum, just asking to try from my side?



I am working with an application on IE.

Selector for the attach window is showing as “wnd app=‘iexlplorer.exe’ cls=‘#12345’ idx=‘*’”

12345 I made up from actual number.

Save As is getting good selector. But this pop up window seems to be the issue.

Thank you,

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Could you please show that selector?

Hello @A_Learner ,

As suggested did you tried the recording option?

Here the save as window is not part of the application and its a windows popup. You can do as below.

Use App/Web Recorder. Click on F2( You will get 5 second holding time), Right click on that button. Then the recording will start. Inspect on that Windows popup( where Saveas button is present), so it will come as the application scope. Then record a click activity.

It worked like a charm. Selector for the pop up seems to be the same as before. I am not sure what made the difference. Thanks a lot!!
And thanks every one!

Glad to hear that :slightly_smiling_face:

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