Click Dynamic dropdown item

Hello Team,

We have a dynamic dropdown which pops over a span element. We were able to click span element . Once the span element is clicked it is giving list (

  • ) where we need to click one of the list items.

    We are unable to use find children as it a span element and not select element.
    We were unable to find the list items once we are not over the span element.
    The dropdown list items are dynamic.

    How can we find the list item and click it in current use case.

  • @nagsai,

    Do you know which item to be selected?

    If you know the item to be clicked on then use that as a variable to click on the item, you can use Pick and Pick Branch activity to click on the available item

    hi @nagsai

    Have you tried with Select item Activity?


    Yes We could not use Select as its SPAN element dropdown

    The Dropdown elements are Dynamic. One user may get 10 options other user will get 4 options only. I have tried using aaname and id as well but couldn’t click it