Hi’ I have buttons to click on one page, this time join the download of the PDF file (as in the screenshot in the attachment), only here there will be a problem because the machine does not want to find this switch because this button does not have an idx, in addition I send what I have available in uiexplorer.
analysing the structures (UIexplorer / Browser Web F12 Tools)
check for strategies, how to handle multiplicities, when more Buttons are to handle
ensure, when working within modern design, that all unneded selector / target settings are deleted
In general the selector (last line) looks promising. But we don’t know the details (overall stucture). So we are limited to general feedbacks. Often a self reflection on how a person would identify the button can help e.g. for anchor strategies
I have no problem with this because the mechanism I have developed on the website earlier also clicks more buttons with the same name and everything works for me on this element it focuses only on one button and I can’t click through all of them in turn