Click Based on excel data

i have one excel sheet which contain ID and Condition. In condition there is total 3 case: READY, CLEAN and DIRTY. based on id and condition which is already write in excel robot click on that particular condition like if in excel there is DIRTY at 103 than robot click on web at 103 id name row to DIRTY.

Hi @Rutva_Patel

  1. Read the Excel file and store the Output in a variable Called DT
  2. Use For Each Row in DataTable
  3. Use If condition
    CurrentRow(“Column Name”).ToString.Contains(“DIRTY”)
    Then → It will click the Web at 103
    Else → Use If Condition
    CurrentRow(“Column Name”).ToString.Contains(“Ready”)
    Then → It will click in the Web
    Else → Use If Condition
    CurrentRow(“Column Name”).ToString.Contains(“Clean”)
    Then → It will click in the Web
    Else → Stop the process

Refer the Screenshot


thanks for your reply… I want click based on ID suppose in excel there is ID:101 and Condition: READY. so based on this i want click on REDAY button at 101 ID.

If you have only 3 condition better to apply switch condition.

Hi @Rutva_Patel

CurrentRow(“ID”).ToString.Contains(“101”) Then Click “Ready in the Web”


i have this type of data

based on room i want click on any one CLEAN, DIRTY and READY


Use the selector and open in UiExplorer

Check the tag which has CLEAN / DIRTY / READY

Enable that, Now in For Each activity you can assign as variable as Condition = CurrentRow(“Condition”).ToString

This variable pass to the selector, so this will make dynamic

Hope this may help you


Hi @Rutva_Patel

You can find the Steps with Screenshot
