Hi guys,
How do i click any of multiple itens with the same selector?
Generally two UI Elements cannot have the same selector. You’re going to have to give more detail on what you’re trying to do, before anyone can help you.
Thanks for the answer.
I have a scenario where I need to click on a specific word which opens a window.
In a few cases this word may appear more than once, but they take me to the same window.
The selector is the same, I use innertext.
Is there a way I can use a property or other activity to make that click on any of these words?
The error: Similar similarities were found.
Show us what you’re talking about. Show us the code you’re trying to use. Show us the selector(s).
Use more than one attribute in the selector, so the selector is unique.
@TalittaGalvao If you are unable to make a selector please use Click Image Activity, If found in any position then it will click on that image.
I will try that one, thanks.
there is no way to make this selector unique.
it’s a list of words in no particular order that takes me to this window.
I’m doing a workaround to: click on the first item, copy select text and see if it’s the word I want. if that’s not, sending the key down to do the same.
@TalittaGalvao Yeah recently I have done to download files, Becuase for download file selector was not possible
@TalittaGalvao you can also check with Image Exist to confirm that its present or not
Was going to suggest Click Text like @postwick
If you want to use your existing activity, you can also add idx=‘1’ in your selectors to click on the first occurrence of the word even if there are multiple matches