Click on multiple symbol on same page

Hello, Can someone help me? Is there any UIPath activity to use for clicking of multiple symbol on same page? I am assigned to demo this topic “Click on multiple symbol on same page” that is why I am browsing for any solution but there’s no available tutorial for it. hope someone help me. Thank you.

Hi ,

Could you please elaborate about “Multiple Symbol on Same Page” , with a screenshot


that’s correct there would be no solution on this.

every symbol will have different selector, take those many click activities how many they are on page.

Multiple symbol or objects like, text, buttons or image. is there a specific activity for that? Thank you

Yah I am thinking like to use a flowchart and try to click buttons, image and text simultaneously. Would that be possible?


You can try keeping them in Parallel activity that might do the work

Thank you @Krishna_547

I think this will help, though right now when I click the link and button simultaneously it will get first the button then the pop up screen will come up that’s why UIPath cannot find the element of the text link, Maybe I need to look for a page where once the “Links or buttons” is clicked it will both open a new tab.