I am working with Assignment 2 advanced training (Generate Yearly Report). I need to click ‘OK’ button in pop up message when there is no monthly report to download. I have found discussion on this topic and tried them as well like ‘click text’ activity or “find image”, “click image”,“send hot key” etc. but none worked for me. I have to use chrome as i cant use IE in my system due to some issue.
Specially when using any “Click” activity(click/click text/click image) while “indicate on screen” , system is getting hanged.
Currently I am trying with Find image and then click image.
Properties: -
1). in selector (in target option in property) pass the same selector as of "click ok "…
2). in "wait for ready " - select complete
3). Output - will be Boolean , like boolExist.
Take if activity , and write Boolean (like boolexist) in if condition…
IF Boolean is true ,it means ui element exist . so put "click ok " in if part.
And in else part when Boolean is false , leave it blank .
By using this if ui element not found , bot will not try to click.