Click activity not working to click a "OK" button in pop up message in Chrome

I am working with Assignment 2 advanced training (Generate Yearly Report). I need to click ‘OK’ button in pop up message when there is no monthly report to download. I have found discussion on this topic and tried them as well like ‘click text’ activity or “find image”, “click image”,“send hot key” etc. but none worked for me. I have to use chrome as i cant use IE in my system due to some issue.
Specially when using any “Click” activity(click/click text/click image) while “indicate on screen” , system is getting hanged.

Currently I am trying with Find image and then click image.

I am stuck with this issue for multiple days. Please help!

Hi @GargiMitra,

Refer this post
Issue with identifying element inside popup in chrome - #4 by arivu96

Arivu :slight_smile:

Hello Arivu,

Yes I saw this post. You meant attach a browser and then issue a click activity within it right?I have tried this as well. did not work for me.

Attach Browser selector is

Click activity (within attach browser ) selector is (i made changed as per the post)

Please advise.


Can I get any expert advice from anyone in this forum?

For one week I am stuck only with this click activity when there is no report for a month (in chrome)!

@GargiMitra Use “element exists” activity.

Properties: -
1). in selector (in target option in property) pass the same selector as of "click ok "…
2). in "wait for ready " - select complete
3). Output - will be Boolean , like boolExist.

Take if activity , and write Boolean (like boolexist) in if condition…
IF Boolean is true ,it means ui element exist . so put "click ok " in if part.
And in else part when Boolean is false , leave it blank .
By using this if ui element not found , bot will not try to click.

Hope it will help, on behalf of Sir @arivu96 :slight_smile:

HI @GargiMitra,

Can you send me the xaml file i ll check and update you?

Arivu :slight_smile:

First, so sorry for my late reply!

Yes I finally managed to work with ‘Click’ and passed. :slight_smile:

Thank you all!:+1:

Thank you!

I am stuck with the same problem can u share xaml file…or tell me how did u solve it.

Hi GargiMitra,
Could you please help me how you resolved this issue, I am stuck in the similar situation.