I’m preparing to automate Citrix browser-based application. The Citrix client will be actually served an Edge browser with the target bussiness application.
What are the prerequisites for setting up automation in such scenario? Is it enough to have UiPathRemoteRuntime running in the remote server session and Citrix extension installed on a client machine?
It will not be necessary since you are communicating directly with the citrix server, not with the browser or the applications as such. In some cases, you may have problems with selectors or elements that will not be fully recognized and the default activities such as click and type into will not work, most likely in those cases you should add automation with computer vision activities and Image automation
Do you mean to install and run the Citrix app in a Citrix receiver on a client machine? This is the base scenariom Citrix app will be started using Cirix Rwceiver/Workspace client.