Checkbox selection based on condition

Account =

In Account cariable i have mail id & on portal some mail id are present with checkbox & i want select check box of mailid which is present in Account variable


first please find a selector which contains innertext and make that value as variable account …then you dependign on that it would check the box

for this open ui explorer and from centre top menu or right top menu try fidnign innertext and checkbox related both by indicating check box field


<webctrl tag='DIV' innertext='*{{Account}}*' />
<webctrl tag='Input' type='checkbox' />

This is an example selector


which acticity should i take click or check


Which ever works…if checkbox works then first preference is that if not go with click


@yogitagaikwad2206 If inner Text property is not present then select aaname property as a variable



but activity their is no inner text & aaname option available

@yogitagaikwad2206 select all options from selector editor and see it should be their.

then where insert my variable account

normally a see if the check is already checked getting th attribute with get attribute activity then i use click and see again if was checked rightaway.

the check activity is in modern design which i dont use as much


It migth be with name or value or rowname as well…from centre top check each line and verify right top menu
