Can anyone please help me in this below scenario…
In the Purpose of Loan category there are three checkboxes uielements :
Purchase, Cash-out Ref, & No Cash-out Ref
In this above three how to find which checkbox is checked…
Can anyone please help me in this below scenario…
In the Purpose of Loan category there are three checkboxes uielements :
Purchase, Cash-out Ref, & No Cash-out Ref
In this above three how to find which checkbox is checked…
Use a get attribute activity. THe attribute usually is the ‘checked’ attribute returning true/false.
Use the same selector as if you would click it.
@tkiran Refer to the below link
Hi Usha,
If i use Get attribute value as checked then i am getting error “as get attribute attribute not supported by the current uinode”
Actually i need in that three options which checkbox is checked and i am not going to do any check or uncheck…
Bot should give me checkbox name which is checked…
Based on checkbox my workflow will go on to next step
If it is Purchase flow will be different if it is other two it will be different…
Hi Jeroen,
If i use Get attribute value as checked then i am getting error “as get attribute attribute not supported by the current uinode”
is there any other activity which can give me name of checkbox which checkbox is selected
can you try using the data scraping, maybe the value selected will appear next to the word, and you know that by using simple string manipulation
Hi @tkiran
Use Get Attribute Activity (Mentioned the attribute name showed in UI Explorer ) → Create a variable and assign to the output value (example - CheckStatus)
Use If Activity
write your if condition like – if CheckStatus.Equals(“checked”)
True → Write your logic
False → Use the click activity and pass the selector to check the checkbox
Thank you Gokul
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