Capture the filter dropdown "Search" field area


While working in excel, while I click on a filtered field, I am trying to capture the “Search” option in the dropdown.
But as soon as i go back to UIPath , the cursor is disabled and the dropdown is no longer avaiable.
How can i record\capture that.?

My motive is to type into the search text area.

You can use “F2” key to pass some delay of 3 seconds to capture.


Also, i tried using the Filter table activity of the Excel Automation.
But I got an error message, “The table does not exist”.
I have ensured table name, sheet name and column name along with condition is correct.
Any idea why did i get the error message?

because table name you are passing may be not correct and also possible you have not created a table in excel.

For Further assistance on this check this thread:

Let me know, in case of any doubts :slight_smile:


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Hey, I have referred to the same thread. Taken the table name from Formulas->Name Manager
I have even tried changing the name of the table. But it does not work.

This is the error message I end up with.

Awesome! That worked :slight_smile: