Just select filter over column and save excel sheet

I have an excel sheet for which I just have to click on filter and drop down must be present and save the file .
I have attached the testing excel sheet.
Testing_Excel.xlsx (11.2 KB)
Also I have attached the screenshot of how the resulting excel should look like.

Can anyone help me with the solution for it?
I don’t have to use UI interaction for the same.

Hi @Kunal_Jain ,
My Step
Step 1: Use Excel application scope
Step 2: Read the data from the excel file and store the same to data table
Step 3: Apply the filter into the Datatable
Step 4: Read the Output of the filtered datatable and write the same to excel

What filter should I apply?
Actually I just need to make the sheet look like this.

Hi @Kunal_Jain ,
This filter is based on your requirements,
you can filter by any column you need

I just have to add the drop down of filter and nothing else I have to do

@supermanPunch @Gokul001 @ushu @kirankumar.mahanthi1 @Palaniyappan @Sudharsan_Ka @Anil_G
Can anyone help me with the approach?

Hi @Kunal_Jain ,

Help it hope,

No it is not giving me the required solution

Hi @Kunal_Jain ,
I really don’t understand what you mean
here i understand you want to add dropdown to excel column.
is this correct?
Or do you want to ask about how to select the value of the available dropdown?
Please take pictures of input and output so that the requirement is clearer

I just have to select drop down and save the file as it is ,
So that if someone opens it they get the drop down to filter the data.
Current Data Looks like this

I need to just do the following


And final data should Look like this:

It must have an option for the drop down
But I don’t have to do Ui interaction for this.
Please let me know if you got my requirement
Thanks in advance!!

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Hey @Kunal_Jain ,
Instead of Having Ui interactions you can use the Excel modern activities which include Filter activity

Below is the screenshot of that activity
You can filter it with a rule in configure filter option

Hope it helps you out

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Will it give me the required output result??

Hi @Kunal_Jain ,
I I understand what you mean
it is what you want to add filter to excel file
I have this way, you can do it with activity send hot key
window+r first open the file with the file path
then click on the first cell with data (I choose A1, you can change the click to suit your file)
then use ctrl+shift+l to add filter

Hope it help

My input

My output

You can try my code

For this we need to open excel??
Without opening is it not possible??

Other solution:
You can use invoke VBA

If you can help me with that , that would be a great help please.

Please try this solution. It should work.

Instead of Having Ui interactions you can use the Excel modern activities which include Filter activity

Configure filter → provide your conditions

@Kunal_Jain , The output result looks like this

And i have attached the xaml for your refernece
Testt.zip (12.2 KB)

Hope it helps you!

Other solution

You can use modem package

flow step


