Can't see the data of Locals Panel

UiPath Studio 2024.10.4-beta.17693 - 8/29/2024
Community License
Per-user Installation

License Provider: Orchestrator

On above version, I can’t see the data of the Locals Panel
whenever I am receiving an error, or bot reaching on a breakpoint, or I am breaking the process, nothing is showing, just buffering.
Locals Panel (1.4 MB)

Hi @Ush_Dhar

Can you try to Reset Settings, if not work try to reinstall studio


Hi @Ush_Dhar

Try by unistalling and reinstalling the UiPath studio

Hey @Ush_Dhar Try one of these solutions:-

  1. Ensure that the Locals Panel is enabled:
    Go to the View tab in UiPath Studio.
    Click on Panels and make sure Locals is checked.
    If the panel is already visible, try closing and reopening it to refresh the data display.
  2. Sometimes, cached data or temporary files can cause issues. So clear the cache and temporary files.
  3. Sometimes, debugger issues can cause the Locals Panel not to load properly:
    Try switching the debug mode to “Step Into” or “Step Over” instead of hitting a breakpoint directly.
    Ensure that ‘Just My Code’ is enabled under Debugging Options.
  4. Ensure there are no background tasks or memory-intensive applications running.
  5. Restart the Studio.
  6. Reset / Uninstall and install the studio.

Hi @lrtetala @Anuja_Ravikant_Khamitkar @pravallikapaluri, first of all, thank you for replying. I tried all the possible ways shared by you. But sorry to let you know none of those working. I think this is a bug for 2024.10.4, because I am getting this issue in all of my bot PCs.
According to you guys I reinstall the file and downloaded Studio 2024.10.1 - 6/27/2024 Community License Per-user Installation version. For this version, I am getting all Locals value as like before. Hope UiPath don’t force update 2024.10.4 version.

If any one of you know how to switch off auto update please let me know.
Again, Thank you all…


Unable to recreate the issue at my side. It’s working as expected on my side. Same version.

Can you share full screen screenshot while debugging along with variables panel? It would be easy to understand the situation you are in.

For this, you can try this solution. I haven’t tried it but give it a try.

Ashok :slight_smile:

i have already attached a video recording.
please check Locals Panel

about the auto update, it’s not a permanent solution, everytime you start the pc, everytime you open UiPath you have to do this or UiPath will force update

Upgrade to Pro Trail then your studio will be upgraded to enterprise trail that way your studio doesn’t upgrade automatically.

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You are right! These are the terms and conditions of the Community license we use. We will have to follow it else we will have to purchase a suitable license which will give more control over the version we use and the way we use.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi All, I manage to stop update of my UiPath. just force stop all update related applications like UiPath Update Agent & UiPath Update Service\Worker.
then go to below location-
C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio and delete UiPath Update Agent & UiPath Update Service\Worker these two applications only. For me it’s working. After doing the above if you still receiving a force update message just do the same, I think it will work

I am experiencing the exact same issue and am quite troubled by it. Could this be a bug in UiPath Studio 2024.10.4-beta.17693?
Is there no solution other than reverting to a previous version?

To me it’s a bug, I am not just facing this in one machine; all my machines with 2024.10.4-beta.17693 are having same issue…
go to and log in
then follow below step

uninstall the 2024.10.4 first and install it.
after this check if the version is 2024.10.1

then go to task manager, right click on the below open file location(AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio) and also force stop these two too.
in the file location delete UiPath.UpdateService.Agent.exe and UiPath.UpdateService.Worker.exe
This is working for me. if you receive any force update again that’s mean UiPath.UpdateService.Agent.exe and UiPath.UpdateService.Worker.exe are back on your app data. no need to uninstall UiPath, just force stop and delete those again, that’s it. it worked for me, hope it will work for you too. if you can’t find 2024.10.1 version let me know , I’ll share it for you.

I shall give it a try.

Is there no way to circumvent this bug without halting the update?


nah, found nothing :pensive:

@Ush_Dhar , could you, please, share a project which you used to reproduce the issue? Also, could you share some information about the projects where you see the issue? Were they created on a specific Studio version? Do they share a pattern of any kind (maybe they all use UiAutomation activities or something similar)?

Hi @LiviuPonova, it’s happening on UiPath Studio 2024.10.4-beta.17693 only. It doesn’t matter what project I am running or whichever activities I am using, the local panel is just buffering. I have 6 community bots, all of those having same issue…
It’s happening in one of my bot right now,
Local (6.2 MB)

I am 100% sure it’s a bug…

@Ush_Dhar , thank you for the provided information. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell from the attached video the exact structure of the project and it would be very useful for us to know what the parent scopes of the activity that generates the issues are. From the attached video, I see you have a pretty large .xaml file including lots of scoped activities.

In order to gather more info about your issue, could you, please, run a simple project in the same setup and let us know if the issue is still reproducible? A project as simple as a couple of Log Messages would help us to identify whether the issue is generalized, or if it is focused on the specifics of your projects.

Also, if attaching the project on this thread is not possible, could you, please, specify all the parent scopes of the activity that generates the issue? A chain of scopes (i.e. Main Sequence → Attach Browser → Excel Application Scope → … etc) would help us create a similar project to yours and maybe get to reproduce the issue and find a root cause for it.

Thank you,

Hi @LiviuPonova,

Here I attached a video of a sequence I prepared as an answer to a thread. In the first part I ran this on UiPath Studio 2024.10.4 and in the second part I ran it on my computer where I am currently using UiPath Studio 2024.10.1 version. In this version you can see the local panel for all activity but for 2024.10.4 you can see the of is buffering. I am also attaching the code here for you to see.

Interview (10.3 KB)


In my case, no variables are displayed in the Local Panel for any of my projects. From very simple to very complex.
When I do this, I get the exact same Waiting (spinning circles) icon as Usr_dahr.

I develop all of my project sources on a network drive, but I thought this might be an environmental issue, so I tried placing the sources on a local drive and running the project.
As expected, the Local Panel was displayed this time.

What kind of environment are you developing in, Usr_Dahr?
Have you changed the project code from the default?
I think the cause of the bug lies somewhere around here…

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