Can't recognize the pop window

Hi, Forum

Can anyone let me know how to select the following pop-up error window from the browser? I came across this issue while taking the UiPath learning course of “Generate Yearly Report”. It seems the Unified Selector can’t even be invoked until the pop-up is released by clicking its ok button.

What I want to do is checking the appearnce of the popup using the Check App Status activity.


Hi @hongjoo.choi

use the check app state activity and indicate the pop up and if the element is found then use the click activity in the element appear section.


Hi @hongjoo.choi

For this you have to use the Check app state activity to check the popup is displayed or not.
In Element appear block insert the click activity and indicate the Okay button to close the popup.

Check the below image for better understanding.

Hope it helps!!

Hi, @mkankatala and @vrdabberu

Thank you for your guidance.

The problem is the unified selector falls into ‘stand-by’ state meaning that it’s not invoked until the error pop-up is released by manually clicking the “ok” button. (It eventually comes up as soon as I click the ok button.) Thereby, can’t define the element to be put into the “check app state” activity.

Best regards

HI @hongjoo.choi

Can you send me the screenshot of the error pop up


Hi @vrdabberu

The screenshot is as below.

I also noticed the same thing happens in the following case as well.


Hi @hongjoo.choi

You can directly indicate the popup using the check app state as I mentioned in the below.
Use an use application/browser activity and place all the activities within that and after all the data is entered then click the download report. Once the button is clicked then the popup gets arise then use the check app state and indicate the pop up and within the element appears use the click activity and indicate the ok button so that once the popup gets arise then the ok button gets clicked.Please refer below attached image for better understanding


Hi, @vrdabberu

I came to understand why. The “check app state” activity seems working independently and should have been placed outside the “use application/browser” activity.

It’s a good lesson learned for me as a beginner.
Thank you for your help.

Best regards

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Hi @hongjoo.choi

Thank you. Happy Automation!! :partying_face:

If you want to place the Check App State activity inside Use Application/Browser, you can try to trigger the popup after you have entered the target indication mode. You can do it by pausing the selection with F2.

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