Can't Invoke using the transaction item in Windows FW

Hi Community,

Using the new Windows Framework, I am not being able to Invoke a sequence using a transaction item, it is throwing the error below

Here is the way I am doing it

The project is not even passing the compiling due to that “syntax error”
The issue is the transaction item because after deleting that piece, it works.

Any thoughts?

Im seeing in your string has a braket after to “Credit Process\[” I think that is the issue

Thanks @Benjamin_Vazquez1,

Those brackets are not part of the original Input, see the 1st screenshot.

Also, when displaying the path using an MSG box, the path is correct


It seems to be the way I am using the transaction item or something

This is a known issue with Windows compatibility. Invoke Workflow doesn’t support dynamic workflow path any more.

Supposedly it’s being fixed with Studio 2023.4.10

By the way, the workaround at this point would be to use If, Else If, Switch etc to determine which Invoke Workflow is executed, with each Invoke Workflow having the workflow path hard-coded.