Can't interact with a word documents

Hello to everyone!

I’m trying to write inside a word document but I can’t do it in a consistent way

Here are the activities I’m using.


From simple word activities to computer vision.

I am able to do one or two inputs like

But they are very unreliable to put in production

Can someone with experience give me some advice?

This is the document:
Nota Provissória.docx (16.7 KB)

Thank you

Hi @Andre_Vieira
Using UI automation activities such as ‘Type Into’ are unreliable to use in Microsoft Word.

A simple and efficient way to achieve variable text input in the correct places is to use a template.
Save your word document as a template, which contains a keyphrase for each variable/custom text input you want to insert.
For example,

PELO VALOR RECEBIDO, __ ((NomeDeMutuário)) __ [Nome do Mutuário], com residência em__ ((EndereçoDoMutuário)) __ [Endereço do Mutuário], (o “Mutuário”), promete__ ... [Nome do Mutuante], com residência em ... __[Endereço do Mutuante], (o “Mutuante”), [valor por extenso] (_______[valor numérico]) (o “Valor Emprestado”) em sua totalidade, acrescido dos juros de % (“Juros”) por ano sobre o valor ainda não pago, como aqui descrito.

When you want to create a custom document, use the template file and use Replace Text activity in the UiPath.Word.Activities pack.

I hope this helps.

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Hello Friend!

That’s a genius idea!!! and yeah, type into isn’t reliable.

I will try to explore this solution, I never did it before.

Thank you a lot for your time and effort.

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You’re welcome!
I am glad this solution works for you. :slight_smile:


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