Please assist, I can’t find this in all packages: UiPath.Database.Activities
Hi @stanstilo
Please change the compatibility mode to ‘Windows legacy’ and check.
Hope this will help you. Thank you.
I changed the mode to windows cause I was working on large amount of files but couldn’t find UiPath.Database.Activities so if I change it back to Windows Legacy, how do I make it work with large amount of files without throwing out of memory exception
What kind of files you are working in large amount?
Yes, from database upto 3,000,000 records
Please have a try at this.
Rows limited to 16,777,216.
Thank you.
Thanks, so here am I converting the datatable to dataset?
yes they are making use of ADO.Net
So after adding those datatables as datasets, how do I read them back as datatable to perform some manipulation
Let’s say merge the datatable or add rows or sum a column etc
DataSet To DataTable
DataTable customerTable = dataSet.Tables[“YourTable”];
Thank you
Hi Jobin, please I am somehow confused implementing that to my workflow, do you have sample workflow you’ve worked on with the snippet, please share. It will help me get through this and mark as solution
Are you there?
Provide you an update in the evening IST. Jumping into an another work
Ok, thanks
Hi Jobin, hope you haven’t forgotten the workflow
Here is the sample snippets from website.
Add Data To Dataset.xaml (16.2 KB)
Add Datatable[s] To Dataset.xaml (12.2 KB)
Thank you.