Can't find Invoke code Activity

Hello friends,

I cannot find the Invoke code activity.
How can I find it?

The version of the UiPath is 2016.2.6379
Thank you so much,
Camilla. :slight_smile:

Update the your UiPath version.

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Install UiPath.Core.Activities Package

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thank you @Jaycee_Salvador.
It is a licensed uipath version.
How can I update it?
Thank you,
Camilla :slight_smile:

Thank you @Vinutha.
Unfortunately it is already installed.

Can you try uninstalling the same and reinstalling it ?

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You can request for the latest version of UiPath Studio here. I believe your license will remain even if you update your Studio.

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Hi @CamiCat,

Normally the uipath keeps the temporary in below path. Close the application and delete all the file. And open Uipath Studio. It will bring everything fresh from gallery.


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