Cannot login to UiPath Academy

I’m having trouble logging in to UiPath Academy (UiPath Academy). I used the “Forgot your password” option once, received the email and reset the password, but login continues to error with message “Wrong credentials provided”. I was using my email address and multiple posts suggested to use username, but I don’t know how to find my username. “Forgot your password” no longer sends me an email. Existing emails received from UiPath do not seem to contain a username. The Password Reset email just starts with “Hi,” when I thought it might start with the username.

Please advise what else I can do. Thanks, Randall.


Did you try with “Randall” ? :sweat_smile:

Maybe said in jest but yes I tried multiple combinations of username: FirstName, LastName, FirstName-LastName. What is the standard format for the username?

I was only able to create an account on the forum because I used the login using Google option to link to my email… I’m not able to login using “Randall” as the username.

It’s weird, I have not had this much trouble logging in to a website for a long time.

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When you click on forgotten password, you receive an email, which contains your username :thinking:

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No… I don’t get an email any more. I received 1 email earlier today but now it doesn’t work

Content of the password reset email does not contain the username
= = = = =
Reset your password


We have received a request to reset your password for UiPath. You can reset your password by hitting the button below.


The password reset is only valid for the next 24 hours. If you did not ask to reset your password you may want to review your recent account access for any unusual activity.

Happy automating,

UiPath Team,
= = = = =

Hi, can anyone else suggest how I can find my UiPath Academy username when the password reset email did not contain it?

hi @Randall
1st you just reset password and login into the academy and then just click that three lines nearby to the ui academy header…
see below pic,

click and go into that inwhich you can see your username…as like below,

hpy learnig… :blush:

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While I do appreciate your answer, I assume you did not read the problem as I described it. As I said, the password reset function does not send me an email, so I cannot “just reset password” as you suggested.

As I haven’t done anything with my UiPath Academy account, can I get it manually deleted so I can try to start again?

I have read posts where others have trouble logging in so I assume this is a known problem. But why would I receive an email which is in a different format, not including the username? Was there perhaps a problem when I signed up and my username was not assigned properly

oops i jus misunderstood ur words :sweat_smile:

That’s ok, but this is quite frustrating