Cannot indicate the icon in SAP

Dear Experts,

I have one question regarding the using of “Indicate on screen” function when using Record, Click, Text etc.

I have 2 servers on SAP, develop environment and Production environment.

on Dev. environment there is no problem, I can indicate what I exactly want, but not in the Production environment, it covers whole screen and suggests “Anchor” which I don’t really know what it is.

I would like my Production environment to be the same as Dev. environment.

I tried googling and found the below link, applied to my client and it doesn’t work.

Here is DEV. I can use this without problem.

Here is PRD. I cannot point/indicate the icon, even in the Ribbon one such as Save icon.

Client setting, both server are enabled.

I cannot access to the RZ11 in PRD environment due to authorization, but yesterday I checked at the Test environment which situation was the same as PRD (cannot indicate), found that in RZ11, the setting was the same as DEV. but today it works like a charm which I have no idea why.

If you know the solution/work around, please kindly help.

Best regards,

Hi All

The solution is proper setting for SAP scripting.

Best regards, Lev

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