Cannot execute jobs in a particular bot machine host help


Since past week suddenly jobs from different processes (3 projects) begins to Faulted (can’t even start execution) with the message attached in captures.

Processes were executing normally before past week, and there were no changes of params or updates packages that can maybe generate an issue caused by that. Apart from that its an error that suddenly affects all processes with the same message,

They are running unnatended in a VDI session,

can someone give feed about that case?

Thanks in advance i appreciate,


Pd: captures attached


Did you happen to try the routine troubleshoot?

  1. Disconnect and reconnect the assistant
  2. Check the event viewer logs
  3. Restart the machine


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Hi thanks for reply,

we tried points 1 and 3, point 2 not very sure, can you describe how to check that?

Anyway we will try again to reboot server and machine.

Question, could be this caused by a conflict with dependency versions used in studio vs what the orchestrator is able to receive?


Can be…this is a generic error…

One thing you can try is to copy the .nuget folder from the machine where it is working to the machine where it is not


Point 2…search for event viewer in start menu and open the application logs


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@Anil_G Ok, so we’ll try to copy that folder you mention and see what happens.

Thanks in advance, any other possible suggestions fell free to reply :slight_smile:

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