Cannot assign job to unattended robot

I am having problem to assign a job to robot.
My robot type is unattended but still not listed.

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@afi_ali ,

Welcome to the Uipath Community !

Please verify the below :

  1. Your UiRobot is Connected to the orchestrator.
  2. In the Processes Tab - You have created a Process and is assigned to the Correct Environment.
  3. For the Robot , Correct Environment is assigned .


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Hi @mukeshkala,

  1. Do you mean UiPath Assistant in my local machine? the status left below is connected, licensed.
  1. Yes i created a process and and the environment same as machine name.
  1. Unfortunately, no environment stated for my robot and I cannot edit it.

Afi Ali

hi @afi_ali
welcome to the UiPath Community

go to robot ==> environment , add the robot to relevant environment that you going to place the environment to process

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Just Beside the Robot Tab , you will have a Environment Tab , Please make the Necessary Changes .



Hi @Maneesha_de_silva,

Where can I find the setting?

Afi Ali

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Thank you! It works.

then create environment
then go to manage and add the robot


Thank you! now its working.

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