Can Anyone help me out with this. Thanks in Advance
I created Asset Value of Type “Text” (in which give the path file) in Orchestrator
And read the config File REFrame Work and concactinated the states.xlsx file
in read range like this
** In Read Range**
** Config(“assetValue”).ToString+""+“satates.xlsx”**
Hey @saritha ,
Try use expression Config(“excelPath”).ToString+""+"StatesandCapitals.xlsx to the ‘write line’ activity and check the result. If you don’t find any illegal characters try type to the ‘read range’ activity path without using variables.
If ‘read range’ activity will work you have to compare both string character by character.
However, my guess is that you used quotes in the path. in the config file. Try remove it.
Small suggestion from my side dont keep double quotes for file path while entering in your asset. There might be chance it is pulling file path with double quotes and it treating as illegal character in path.
You could save your file path in config excel instead of orchestrator asset. Please try above ans let us know. Thanks.