Can Workbook Path be specified as Variables?


The excel file names or the paths I am using now might be changed and so I would like to know that can Workbook Path from Read Range activity be specified as Variables?

Thank you so much.

Yah of course we can mention them like this
In the input file path of READ RANGE activity
Make sure that the file path is mentioned with Filename and file extension

Cheers @hsupyaewoon


Hello @Palaniyappan

Thank you for your answer.
I got what you mean.
But I am thinking that if someone using UIPath without knowing anything at all except how to RUN it, then when they want to change the file name or the file extension, is it possible to change those things outside of RPA as they don’t know how to fix it inside and the RPA can work as it is specified correctly between inside and outside?

Really sorry if my question is a little bit complex.
And Thank you again.

Hi @hsupyaewoon,
Instead of using a specific file name(format), try to get the file path by using Directory.GetFiles(path)

Assign filepath= Directory.GetFiles(path,*.xls,SearchOptions.AllDirectories).tostring

And pass filepath to excel scope


Yah that’s possible
We can have our value in a excel file which will be termed as config file where we can change the value of the filepath or extension anything we want which doesn’t require us to get into the rpa process and access the change over here
And the way to get that value from config is what been followed even in REFramework template
Like we use a dictiykindof variable to store them and access the value with Filename by mentioning the dictionary key like this
in_config(“your keyname”).ToString

To know more about this we can refer to REFRAMEWORK
Just while creating a new project choose REFramework instead of blank project where we can find this in Get Transaction State

Hope this would help w
Cheers @hsupyaewoon


@shankm @Palaniyappan Thanks for your help, I will try to find it out by myself still I don’t really get what you are trying to tell me, my apology for it and I will ask you again if I am in need of help.

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Cheers @hsupyaewoon

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@Palaniyappan @shankm
I wanna show you the project I have made.
And can you please check this for me?
How can I fix this project to use

[quote=“hsupyaewoon, post:3, topic:166343”]
is it possible to change those things outside of RPA as they don’t know how to fix it inside and the RPA can work as it is specified correctly between inside and outside?
[/quote] like this?
Thank you.

有給取得状況.zip (63.2 KB)

Hi @hsupyaewoon,
From the workflow i can understand that, you have a set of excel files. you are reading and combining it. Then using the data you are performing the email operation. Right?
And what are your requiremnts to be done ouside RPA? (means what things you want to change outside RPA)
How many input excels do you have? is that a fixed number or vary?

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Hello @shankm
Thank you for your answer.
I want to know that is it possible if someone who doesn’t know about RPA wants to change the name or the place of the excel files which are being used in this project without chainging them in RPA but outside of somewhere which is possible to, not just only in another excel file.
There are 5 fixed excel files for now.

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Hi @hsupyaewoon

You can do a config. like txtfile or excel file then put the path of your excel file and read it when your process started.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


Yes, it’s possible.
you need a config file for this (an excel or json, excel will be better for non programming users)
Why you are not prefering another excel?


Hello @pattyricarte
Thank you for your answer.
Thank you too for your answer.
So it means that to create another excel file(config) and put file names as datas that will be used in the project?


No worries @hsupyaewoon

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


please go through the (75.3 KB)


Thank you so much for you patience.
I got it now.
Thank you…


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