Can we use all Excel related activities in Citrix?


Please let me know if we can use all Excel and CSV related activities in Citrix. for example can we use Excel application scope activity or Filter Table activity in Citrix Environment?

Thanks In advance!


Do you mean if you can use Excel application scope when UiPath is outside the Citrix environment?
If you have observed the Excel application scope, workbook, or Read CSV they all need a path as an input where excel is installed/
Do you have any way by which you can access the path from outside the Citrix?
If yes then you can pass the same as an input to these activities and robot will be able to perform all these operations.

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Hi Jishnu,

My confusion here is if i have uipath installed on local system and if i want to access an Excel sheet which is saved in Cirtix can that be done. The path can be provided in the Excel app scope activity but the question is, will uipath be able to recognise that in Citrix or will it try to search for the path in the Local system is my question here

Thanks in Advance!



Hi Rajiv,

UiPath will always search the file in local system.

Robot access the path in similar way as a human does that means if you try to browse the path in file explorer it should give you a valid result.
for ex. D:\Downloads\MyExcel is the path that I have provided in excel application scope.
A robot will be able to access this file only if I am able to access this path using file explorer.

In such scenario you should save the excel in a shared location which is accessible from both the local as well as the citrix environment.


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Hi Jishnu,

Thank you for your response!

If i manage to open a particular excel using multiple click image activity in Citrix instead of Excel app scope , is there any way can i use other Excel activities in citrix after that for eg the Read cell, read column, read row activities etc.


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Hi Rajiv,

If Clipboard is shared that means if you can copy-paste the data across the environments.
I would suggest you to copy the excel data from citrix to local system and paste it in excel here.

By this way you will be able to use Read range and other excel related functionalities.
Otherwise you have to use the image or keyboard based activities only.


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Hi Jishnu,

Thanks a lot for responses!

This was helpful cheers :blush:

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