Can we Execute Multiple or Same task on the same system by multiple robots on different browsers

Can we Execute Multiple or Same task on the same system by multiple robots on different browsers?

Anshul Agarwal

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no, as i know we can not run multiple robots on the same.

if we can use multiple robots means have to use different credentials for browsers

Hi @anshulagarwal,
You can execute multiple or the same task with the help of multiple robots, using UiPath Orchestrator, However, you cannot execute multiple tasks with the same robot at the same time.
One computer system can only execute one robot at a given instance!

PS- multiple robots refers to multiple computer systems
I hope i’m clear :slight_smile:

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You can also leverage the ‘high-density’ robot functionality – which allows for a ‘remote desktop session host’ -enabled machine (a server which many login sessions can be active at one time) to run multiple bots at once.

With the High-Density robot enabled , you can execute multiple of the same task on the same system on the same browser (different ‘sessions’ of course)…

This is interesting to know. I will explore more on what you have posted. Thanks all for the information.
