There are some elements that I could not select by UI explorer with current Chrome extension version 9.0.6821. (e.g. download bar, close or ok buttons on javascript pop-up, especially ‘restore page’, ‘developer tools’…)
But it was worked with Chrome extension version 9.0.6421.
After upgrade extension version to 9.0.6821, it has not been selected now.
So I want to know I could downgrade the extension or not.
If not, is UIPath team planning to fix the extension?
Thank you.
Hi @Sodam,
Welcome to the Community!
Please share with us more information if you can. Some screenshots showing the problem will be much appreciated. Are you on enterprise or community version of Studio?
Hi @Pablito,
I’m on both of version, 9.0.6821 on community version, 9.0.6421 on enterprise version.
And I don’t have each other’s case, 9.0.6421 on community, 9.0.6821 on enterprise.
But I think there’s no connection between studio editions because I saw that someone’s in same problem in this post:
Screenshots on 9.0.6421 are attached below:
9.0.6421 (244.4 KB)
And I’ll upload 9.0.6821 screenshots hours after.
Thank you
Thanks for this. Once I will have the screenshots I will try to replicate the issue. If this is in fact a bug it will be reported to our team. Thank you again.
Hi @Pablito
I’m back and leaving 9.0.6821 screenshots.
Please let me know if there is any updates about this.
Thank you in advance!
9.0.6821 (154.7 KB)
Hi @Sodam
This should now be fixed in the 2019.12 release
Thank you very much!
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