Can anyone with enterprise license help with running this workflow please!

I have a workflow which is a document understanding project I need to submit before tomorrow’s morning deadline but I’m not having enterprise license to process this multipage document I’m sharing this workflow can anyone run it and share the output with me please!
Main.xaml (12.4 KB)
JPMC 2022.pdf (3.0 MB)
This is the main.xaml and pdf file used in this workflow! Kindly help!


You can start a trail version then you would have access…try the same


I have completed my trail version That is the reason I’m not able to do it, I can’t take enterprise license for this single project!


Use a different new email ID and request a new trail


ok will give it a try Thank you!

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Hi @Kancharla_Mahija

Create a new orchestrator cloud account with different Email ID and you can again start the pro trail.


ok will give it a try!

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I’m not able to start with the new enterprise trail version as the download is stoping in the mid way !is there any way you can help!


Are you enabling the trail version in orchestrator only right. Specify.


I have this main.xaml now i want to test if it is working fine or not .In community version I can only process one page document Now I want to try it in enterprise version !
Can you provide me a step by step guide how can i do its testing!


If you get a new trail license you dont need to download again…just create a machine and robot and change details in assistant to point to new orchestrator


OK Thank you for the help!

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