Document understanding Licensing info?

Just want to understand the document understand license model to the client , can anyone share more info on the same

Document Understanding license is bundled on consumption of page units

will it licensed per age unit consumed on all stages of DU ?

Hi @shivamk238

You will get the whole information about Document understanding licensing and usage of AI Units, check the below link,

Hope it helps!!

Could you please suggest me what is the best licensing model for a small organization. Example 1 or 2 machines license with Cloud Orchestrator.
also cost as well. Thanks in advance.

Hi Please refer the below image for ai units consumption info

AI units consumption happens only in Classifier and Extraction stages


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Hi @rkelchuri ,

Refer partner portal for more info on licensing though u are small / medium sized org .
UiPath has come with flex plans which comes as bundle with dev , orch , unattended , AI units as package and u need to buy starter plans acccordingly based on ur needs .
and cost depands from org to org based on relationship with UiPath

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Tx for sharing the required information

For robots and machines cost you are better to contact sales team, they will help you out from this. Based on your requirement they will suggest the plans. In that package they will include the Amount of AI Units alloted for the specific license.

And to know about AI Units consumption,

Hope it helps!!

the consumption model i have shared is based on recent interaction with sales team .
The info on the image u have shared is example on AI units consumtion which varies to usage in realtime

Yes, in addition of your information I have added few points to fulfill the gap… @sandyarpa767 @shivamk238

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