Business Analyst Final Test

Hi I face a problem in finishing the Final Test in Business Analyst Training course. Though my answers are correct but still makes me fail. Don’t know is it a flaw in the test setup? Did anybody face this kind of issue? Please let me know the solution for this.

If you are doing it all correctly and feel its a issue on the server.
Please put a query.

@ovi is there any issue currently identified for this training on academy?

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Hi @Vinoth_Kumar_Sevagam

There is no issue that we know of. Please give me some details so we can investigate: after taking the quiz and you see your answers did you check the score not to be 0 on the questions?

Yes @ovi I see score 0 for a few questions but it showed Green mark for the answers I entered. That makes the problem in the overall score.


When multiple answers are needed to be correct, it is an all-or-nothing situation. So if you put checkmarks on 2 correctly, but missed the 3rd one that also needs a checkmark, you will get a score of 0 for that question. Upon review, it will show 2 green checkmarks (but you needed 3)


Yes Dave. I understand this. But it would be nice if the failed questions are shown explicitly. Thanks for the reply.