Hi guys,
I just went through the new Business analyst fundamentals course again… I’m aware that previous progress (prior to the new version) is not showing at the moment… The current progress also shows as 0% even though I just completed it…
But I completed the course twice and it did not show the progress. after completing the survey, page was showing a loading icon and did not redirect back to the home page. I tried giving the default academy URL to see whether it redirects. but it kept on showing the loading button and the URL was getting directed back to take survey page…
Also, in the section where we had to drag and drop boxes regarding complexity profitability, it doesn’t work properly… Sometimes when you drag to the boxes it drops in, but sometimes no matter how many times you try on each box, it doesn’t drop in… I think it should be checked…
I would also like to say that “Back” or “Next” button is not working as expected. I did click on the back button once and it eraced the entire course progress and I had to start from the beginning…
I will let you guys know more bugs as I find in the new academy…