Everything went smoothly for me. I noticed that the discount is added to the total sum and not subtracted, did I miss a step? I don’t remember doing any calculations or editing the spreadsheets except with the write cell action.
It worked, quite properly, but you have to know (somehow I’ve learned it after a couple of error messages like: This operation is not supported for this document) that you have to CONVERT .xlsx files uploaded to g-drive into google spreadsheet. Otherwise automation won’t work. The good news is that for the 1.10.5 studioX version, the option under Upload File activity is already available: Convert to Google Workspace file type. And I assume that it is a minor problem that subtotals in the invoices are corrupted after discounts uploaded, and this does not have an impact on the process itself? Also, what was unclear for me, is an example to use CustomerDiscount while in the invoice there is Client Discount cell. But since it worked anyway, I do not enquire.
One more thing. I’ve slightly modified the solution and have selected under the For Each Email activity the condition: With Attachments Only. Then I’ve added a step to mark the mails as Read. And automation has marked the received mails, but along with the ones that carried no attachments. Is it a bug? Or another condition must be met for the tool to properly handle it? I work with StudioX version 2021 10.5.
Everything is fine for me and able to send email as well but I have two doubts:
- The discount amount copied from browser is pasted as text along with that dollar symbol and hence the discount is not applied properly.
- What is the option to clear the folder before downloading the PDF’s to local to avoid duplicates
Where I should downgrade the GSuite package. In StudioX its not showing any options like Project Dependencies.
Facing the same issue. Incase if you get to know how to resolve it please post it over here which would be helpful
I faced the same issue possibly due to the language settings in my Google-account (german). I just added a “Modify Text” activity and replaced the “$” with nothing. Thus the pure number is entered and the calculation works fine. Nevertheless, the discount was added instead of being subtracted. So it might be a good idea to replace “$” with “-”.
Running into some bugs in this module. When trying to indicate a type into activity that will appear in google sheets it says I do not have a Firefox extension. I checked in tools and hit download again but it still won’t let me select a target or anchor. Firefox is the only browser I have been using during this training. Very odd…
this is the error that i am getting while running the application.
i have followed the video and done as it was. i also had the same problem with read cell but it was resolved after the checking of convert to google workspace file type. please help me out. i was totally struck.
I have the same problem as @siddardha_Annapureddy.
And yes I’m trying to write to a Google worksheet
The video used for the third section seems not to be the right one :
Where could I find the tutorial for Google Workspace ?
I have the same problem and cannot proceed!
I added the converted spreadsheet ids to a List after the Excel invoices were turned into Google files. It enabled me to split my flow into groups for each exercise part and worked out pretty well but the SpreadsheetName variable keeps returning a blank string when referencing the Google sheets based on their ids in the following steps. It seems like a bug.
The invoice template adds customer discounts instead of deducting them. That’s not nice
I found the videos very engaging and easy to follow.
However, since yesterday (04/07/2022) the website from the First Automation is showing an error which prevented me from actually finishing the workflow, I could only watch the video instead of follow along as there was nowhere for me to click.
When will the site be back up? Is there a way to circumvent this and tell StudioX where to go manually if a component can’t be clicked on?
Hi @Cynthia_YK! Thank you for pointing this out!
We’re aware of the problem and working hard to solve it asap. I’ll post an update once everything is back online.
Thank you for your patience!
The website is back online!
The website is down again with file not found error.