Browser types as list

how can we get the browser type as a list (Chrome,IE,Firefox,Edge) to open a browser? without user inputting the value?

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use open browser activity!

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In property panel of the open browser activity u can select the browser type as u wish
Cheers buddy :grinning:

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In Browser type am passing browser as a variable ,how can we select the browser types while running the scripts ?not manually as u said .

you can pass your browser variable like this yourBrowserVariable.BrowserName in image


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can we pass multiple browser types at a time …i mean like a list ?

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one after the other??
in a loop??
if so, yes you can pass in a loop!


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can u please suggest me how
can i pass in a loop?

well, you can do this
Assign a variable like chromeVar(BrowserType) = BrowserType.Chrome
like this and create as many and put it in array of string and use this arrayVar to loop through the types of browsers!

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Sequence.xaml (7.2 KB) \

Created a sample workflow as per your requirement just run this workflow once and let me know is this what you are looking for.

Happy learning


am able to open only chrome browser with this can u please suggest me how can we get it from dropdown

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it’s working fine for me actually!
can you share your screen?

huh, do onething make sure you have enabled all your web extensions!

its already there …because other browsers works fine when i call them in other scripts

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it’s working completely fine for me, so you can check your workflow once!


Hey this actually works fine now.


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close the thread by marking it as a soultion!

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