Browser activity - web automation

How can i switch between tabs of web browser ? I want activity to do 1 task one…in one tab after that, it should go to 2nd tab of same browser…again 1st tab again 2nd tab…please help

Hello @Swapnil_Meshram,
for working with the new tab, place the new tab activities inside a attach browser activity!

For further details check out this link!

@Rishabh_Lakhera thanks for reply…how do i go to new tab and come back to old ? What i want to achive is from one tab i want to copy data and use it another tab…

Did you try if sending hotkeys like ctrl+tab or ctrl+shift+tab works in your case?

Rammohan B.

@Rammohan91 yup hotkeys are working but facing bit challages to bring data from one tab to another

In that case, as mentioned above by Rishab, did you try this with ‘Attach Browser’ activity?

Just as an example if you are trying to implement the below flow in a browser that has 2 tabs open both having a text box and a button, you can implement it as below:

  1. Add an Attach Browser activity and Indicate Tab 1.
  2. Place your ‘Type Into’ activity within the attach browser activity and indicate textbox from tab 1.
  3. Add another Attach Browser activity and Indicate Tab 2.
  4. Place your ‘Type Into’ activity within this attach browser activity and indicate textbox from tab 2.
  5. Add another Attach Browser activity and Indicate Tab 1 again.
  6. Place your ‘Click’ activity within this attach browser activity and indicate button from tab 1.
  7. Add another Attach Browser activity and Indicate Tab 2 again.
  8. Place your ‘Click’ activity within this attach browser activity and indicate button from tab 2.

Workflow will automatically switch between tabs as per the elements it identifies to work with. Let me know if that makes sense.

Rammohan B.

@Rammohan91 Thanks will try it…how do force activity to run again if fails? If fails 3 times it should log error messages and exit flow.