Hi Everyone!
I am new to the UiPath Development Studio and am stuck on a step in a bot that I am building.
In summary, I am having type a name into a database and clicking it as part of my process. But some people have the same names.There is a unique identifier next to each name. Is there a tool that will make the bot read the unique identifiers and click on the appropriate name?
It is hard to help you without wider context of your issue, maybe you can provide some screenshot, example. What database? How are you accessing this database (web, app)?
You can make use of the UiExplorer to get the right selectors. And use relative elements as the unique identifiers and then you can click based on that.
It’s more of a webpage.
It’s work related, so it is hard to give a detailed summary.
The bot reads an excel spreadsheet to type the user’s name into a search bar (got that).
Then a list of users populate.
But I need a way for the bot to select the correct user based on their identifier.
The unique identifier is a “description” and I need the bot to recognize the desired ID and click the Name/Link in the same “row”.
Is it dropdown list? Or rather something like table?
Like advised above please use UI Explorer to check selector. If this is something like table, you can also try to use ‘Data Scraping’ option, so you will receive datatable with names and corresponding id’s, something like
|Name| 1 |
|Name| 2 |
|Name| 3 |
next you can refer to specific row to get ID ie.: DataTable.Rows(0).Item(1).ToString for 1st row and so on