If you are using excel application scope for reading excel data’s and then for each activity under this you tried to use read row from workbook not from excel.
Hence You should use the read row activity from excel not from workbook in order to not getting above error.
I have created a workflow based on your requirement and same will resolve your issue.
Please make sure that create a variable for excel application Scope for Workbook option in the Output and Same you need to pass to the close workbook it will work. my Excel eg.xaml (6.9 KB)
You know something, you were almost done…
Its very simple buddy in the close workbook activity you must have a passed a variable say for example out_workbook, great you have passed a variable, but does that have a value in it, there comes the question, if a variable is used in a activity and if it does not have any value in it, this error will occur, that is what it implies object has no reference, means no value,
so now we need to create a reference for our object out_workbook…
how…? buddy @Hariprasad
when we use a excel application scope activity, we can get a output variable from that activity of type workbook like this, mention the output variable by clicking ctrl+K in the output field and name it as out_workbook…use the same as input to close workbook activity buddy… @Hariprasad