Azure DevOps UiPathPack Task ECONNRESET Error (Pipeline Process)

Hello UiPath Community,

I am facing an issue with the UiPathPack task in Azure DevOps. Here are the specifics:

  1. Error Message:

    Unhandled: read ECONNRESET
  2. Context:

    • I have set up a pipeline in Azure DevOps to package a UiPath project.
    • During the UiPathPack task, I encounter the above error.
  3. Environment Details:

    • Azure DevOps Agent Version: 2.210.1
  4. Additional Details:

    • I have provided the path for the project as $(Build.SourcesDirectory).
    • The selected CLI version is WIN_21.10.8319.10920.
  5. Screenshots:

Has anyone encountered this error before or have any suggestions to resolve it?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Tags: Azure DevOps, ECONNRESET, UiPathPack