Hi, i have a question about the tasks in UiPath integration for Azure DevOps, I have a problem a task when i want to run the project from the pipeline, my project has 3 arguments that i have to specify in the orchestrator process, my question here is how can i add this 3 arguments in the json file and where should i add this file so the pipeline can read the arguments
Azure devops is for deploymnet and why do you want to add parameters in to process while deploying?
it’s testing task made before make a pull request to another branch
@ThomasStocker we believe we found a bug in the UiPath plugin for Azure devops activities, when we try to execute jobs with specific parameters the json file we create within the UiPath project is not getting recognized at all, can you provide any input?
Hi @Orlando_Preciado ,
thx for the feedback.
Could you provide some more details on the behaviour and json your are using?
Hello @Sergio_Rodarte @Orlando_Preciado,
When you execute the UiPathRunJob
task there is the parameter parametersFilePath
that allows sending a local path to a json file with the process arguments in a json format.
Note: You need to make sure the json file exists on the Agent running the pipeline, you might need to clone it from your git repository or directly create it in your pipeline.
- How to use
in your Azure pipeline
- task: UiPathRunJob@4
displayName: 'Execute job with input parameters'
orchestratorConnection: '$(orchestratorConn)'
processName: '$(processName)'
parametersFilePath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\jobParameters.json'
folderName: '$(orchestratorFolder)'
resultFilePath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\results.json'
- Arguments Json file
"Configuration": "MyConfigurationValue",
"Dic_Data": {
"Key1": "Value1",
"Key2": "Value2"