Azure Devops Test Manager Plugin Configuration Questions

List of questions and answers that users may have in regards to Azure Devops Test Manager plugin (Legacy) behavior and permissions.

This article addresses some of the frequently asked questions about the Azure DevOps Test Manager plugin configuration.

  1. Is there a way for new work items not to get created automatically, but only pushed by user when needed?
A. As per the current design, whenever a work item is created in Azure DevOps, it automatically syncs with the Test Manager.

  1. In the extension, what does the button "Manage Tests with Azure DevOps" do?
A. This is explained in the documentation article Managing Tests Via Azure DevOps.

  1. My Azure DevOps Test Manager extension only has 9 options, but the UiPath documentation shows 15. Why can’t I see all of them?

A. While creating a project in Azure DevOps, the work items (e.g. bug, issue, epic. etc.) which are enabled in that particular project type will be shown in the Test Manager extension. However, irrespective of the project type, test plan, test case, test suite will not be shown under the UiPath extension. To enable the synchronization of the test plan, test case and test suite you need to activate "Manage test with Azure DevOps" option, under the UiPath extension.

  1. My Azure DevOps admin can modify the Test Manager extension and save it. I do not have admin rights. I get an error when I try to do so. What rights do I need to save the extension? Does it have to be "Admin" rights or something less?

A. Project collection administrator role is needed for performing these actions.

  1. What permissions do I need to push older work items from Azure DevOps to Test Manager?

A. Project collection administrator role is needed for performing these actions.