Azure Dev Ops Connection with UiPath Orchestrator

I have followed the steps as

  • Creating an external application in UiPath
  • Installing UiPath Integration in Azure Dev Ops
  • Creating a service connection with UiPath using external applications, have tried with basic and token as well
    -Created a repo of dummy files
  • Created a pipeline of test suite with test suite present in UiPath Orchestrator in the mentioned folder
  • On running the pipeline, the pipeline is always failing

The error message is Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Cloud Orchestrator:, Account Name For App: ***, Application Id: ***, Application Scope(s): ***, Tenant: ***, Organization Unit: Shared.

Welcome to the forum
When setting up the DevOps Connection newly we recommend also checking out the following to use the newer way - Test manager Connect

Hello @ppr,

Thank you for the update, I am trying to run jobs and test cases present in UiPath Orchestrator and hence want to connect with UiPath Orchestrator and not test manager, is that possible?

I found a solution using the classic editor in dev ops, I created a python script to connect with the UiPath Orchestrator

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