Automation suite on-prem hardware

hello everyone,

I am checking the capabilities in terms of hardware for installing automation suite in on-premise version.

What do the numbers below refer to?

Specifically: Logins per second, Concurrent users, Robots in orchestrator.

For example, with this configuration you cannot associate more than 30 robots within orchestrator? Concurrent users, which users do you refer to?

up please<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The numbers you mentioned refer to the following:

Logins per second: This is the maximum number of users that can login to Orchestrator at the same time.

Concurrent users: This is the maximum number of users that can be active in Orchestrator at the same time.

Robots in orchestrator: This is the maximum number of robots that can be registered in Orchestrator.

Cheers @Singh7633

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so if we want to get to, let’s take an example, 100 automations in production, this solution is not scalable as it provides less?

If you need to scale to more than 100 robots, you can consider using the UiPath Cloud Platform. The UiPath Cloud Platform is a scalable compared to on prem
but still you can go with Multi Node

I would suggest reaching out to UiPath directly and speak with one of their Pre-Technical sales reps to better understand the technical requirements and how that affects even with the pricing


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thanks, one last question. one robot corresponds to one single automation?

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Yes, one robot corresponds to one single automation in UiPath. This means that each robot can only run one automation at a time. If you need to run multiple automations at the same time, you will need to have multiple robots.
