Automation Quadrant Derivation


I’m at a crossroads with the Automation Quadrant: Low Complexity/Low Benefits vs. High Complexity/High Benefits. In a pipeline prioritization, taking into account those mentioned, which one will be the first project choosed to be developed?

Thank you in advance,


Welcome to the community

If the low complexity one is a quick one then first go with it …so that you can show it rapidly and also build confidence on RPA

And then subsequently can move to high


Hi Anil_G, could you please have a look to this:

Hello, I am new to UiPath and I am following the Academy. I have a question concerning the automation quadrant derivation and I checked out the forum for an answer. Medium complexity/medium benifit = low hanging fruits why do you decide it is low hanging fruit? It is in the centre of the quadrant so? Where should I ask? Apologises if this is not the right place to ask…Thank you for your answer!

Thank you for your help!