Automation of data scraping

I want to scrape data automatically from specific regions of websites. How should I do?

Hi @rahul9
You already have your answer brother

You can try using Data Scrapping if it is in the Structured format
Or Else You can try Screen Scrapping


Hi @rahul9,

Look at the screenshots below for different options you can use based on your requirement.

Few useful links for your reference:

Hope this helps.


What should I do to automatically scrape data and update the excel file for every new column that I get in the table that I scrape from?

how do you want actully if you want like scrape unstructured data from excel search on google exmaple finding linkedin link profile or etc

Use these zip file and delete these

your datascraping

scrape element as you need and connect with write range and delete the one scraping varible

see these : Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

A table on web page gets updated its row every week, how should I automate that directly into my excel sheet

Hi @rahul9,

In that case, you would have to
1)identify starting value for an attribute in selector,
2)find a relation between selectors row -wise and column wise so that you can start at starting point,
3)run through loop,
4)incrementing that selector attribute and
5)navigate to next row/column selector till element exist.

In the loop, keeping element exists as first activity and control only proceeds further if element is found.

That way, no matter how many rows/columns are added to the table, you will be able to access all values.

To fulfill this, UiExplorer would help a great deal in identifying an attribute that can utilized. As it is a table, tablerow and tablecol attributes would help as well.

Hope this helps.


send me any website or example video of loom


How do I close incognito tab

Hello @rahul9

Use close application activity


HI @rahul9

You have options like :

  1. Close Application
  2. Kill Process
  3. Type into or Send Hotkey (Ctrl + w)
  4. Click and indicate on close button
