Automation log template / apps

Automation log monitor automatically reads from Orchestrator logs. But,
1/ we can’t see added log fields (UiPath.Core.Activities.AddLogFields activities are not retrieved in process mining along UiPath.Core.Activities.LogMessage,)
2/ we can’t edit the application (and change the transformation part, dashboards, metrics, tags, due dates…)

This is a pity because these features would allow to analyze/report on Orchestrator robot processes. At the moment it’s not really usable (for instance, an activity Processing Transaction: 1 is automatically created, but also a different Processing Transaction :2


Thank you so much for the feedback. We are happy to see you see value in using this application template in Process Mining.

This is an area of improvement that we are looking into. I’ll reach out personally to set up a meeting to learn more about your use case.