Automate bot

hi masters!
I’am python developper ,i’am novice with UiPath;
I’ve written a python code for datat structure ,
My python scripte use txt files as input , clean the data and the out put is excel files that , load in a web app for visualizing.
So i would like to automate a bot that take the txt file from a sharepoint and use the script code to clean the data and load the excel file

Hi @Ibrahima_Diogoye_Diouf ,
You can use activity about python, invoke code in UiPath


okay will get back to you furter , i need to achoeve this kind of bot for automating data to a web visualization!
more help is ever welcom

If you use python code, you can try that
But I think with your requirement, you can use activity

j’ai utilisé l’activité "invok methode " mais mon probleme cest les argument

Hi @Ibrahima_Diogoye_Diouf ,
You can see detail and example in here

hi @Nguyen_Van_Luong1 ,
my python script takes two argument(input_file and output_file) as the txt file (input_file) wich i have to do some exploration with pandas , and the excel file converted from the txt file that will be the output_file

Hi @Ibrahima_Diogoye_Diouf ,

You can flow this step with python code,
I reply you in message,