Auto Fill formula in excel

Hello to all Genius minds out there!, I need a help with excel operation.

I have excel with many columns and from Column E to G, there are formulas that needs to be copied and pasted. I written macro but looking for Uipath code

Can you please help me on this?

@gopal_ram , Hi there

Have you tried “Auto Fill range”

Here is the article : Auto Fill in whole column


will it autofill till the end of the dataset?

Hello @gopal_ram Please check the below one

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Hi @gopal_ram

Welcome to UiPath community

  1. Use Write Cell activity
  1. Use Auto Fill Range activity

Check out the Video and thread



To fill end of the dataset,

  1. First get the number of rows in the excel. lets say “Dt1”
  2. RowCount = dt1.rowscount.tostring
  3. USe rowCount to define end of dataset. Example
    USe below code inside RANGE properties
    “E2:E”+ RowCount .tostring
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Thank you @ushu

Thank you @Gokul001

Thanks!, this worked for me

Hi @gopal_ram

You need give range like this

Checkout this sample xaml file and output
Sample.xaml (8.8 KB)
demo.xlsx (9.0 KB)


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Glad to hear!, happy to help! :smiling_face:

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