Currently im working at automation for generate letter in word document.
I have had replace activity from Balareva to replace specific word with my variable data,
but i have issue with this type of document :
Note - 1. You have to install the UiPath.word.activities to use the activity.
2. You have to use this activity inside the word application scope activity.
Do you want to replace the dots with the data stored in the Variable right, If yes the replacement data should be very specific.
In your case, If the dots have same count it will replace whole dots with the data.
For example, If I have … 3 dots then give these 3 dots in the Search for field in the Replace Text in document activity. Pass the Variable in the Replace with field.
Hope you understand!!
If you are not understand then give me the more clarification. @aliaga
Sounds like you already have a working solution from @mkankatala but can you just change the template and update the dots “…” to be something more unique like [REPLACE_1], [REPLACE_2] and [REPLACE_3]. This would be similar to the first 3 highlighted elements [Name], [Letter_No] and [Number].
This method works great with Replace Text in Document show in @mkankatala’s replies above.